Crisis Preparedness
Chances are you don’t know everything there is to know to thrive in an emergency or SHTF scenario. There is also not enough time in the day to read.
When the toilet paper runs out, do you know what to do? This is a question literally every human being will need to ask themself. Here are 15 alternatives.
This video shows you how to build your own 5-Gallon Berkey-style water purification system. This setup can also be used to install other types of filters too. • Build.
After the grid goes down this will be something almost no one is expecting, better prepare for it because it have catastrophic outcomes. Video From: Canadian Prepper
I’m going to cover items that would become VERY useful in an Emergency or SHTF Scenario. It’s important to cover a broad range of topics with these videos, because.
Where is the best place to live if SHTF? where is the best Bug out location? Where is the best place to put a homestead? where is the best.